
Research coach offers a variety of professional development workshops and events for academics, researchers and higher education professionals

Training events for organisations

Research coach runs bespoke in-house workshops and training events for institutions, research centres, research groups, communities and associations. Our events are always tailored to the audiences we work with. Some popular workshop topics are listed here. If what you’re looking for doesn’t appear on the lists below, we are always pleased to work with you to design workshops and events that meet the development needs of your group and organisation. Contact us to discuss your requirements, arrange a quote or to make a booking for your group/organisation.

Workshop themes

Our training workshops can be tailored for academics and researchers at any career stage and from any discipline. All our workshops are highly interactive and encourage participants to share experiences and learn from each other. We create enjoyable learning spaces where attendees can identify new ideas and solutions, and practice new skills in a safe and encouraging environment. This academic year we are offering workshops that focus on the following themes:

Focus on Research

Workshops include:

  • Introduction to the UK Research Funding Environment (2hr)
  • Developing Excellent Research Proposals (3hr)
  • Project Management Essentials for Researchers (3hr)
  • Writing a Narrative CV (3hr)
  • Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Your Research – NEW

Technology in Research

Workshops include:

  • Creating a Strong LinkedIn Profile (2hr) – NEW
  • Turbocharge Your Writing with AI Tools (2hr)
  • Accelerate Your Research with AI Tools (2hr)
  • Getting Started with Zotero (2hr)
  • Getting Started with Scrivener (2hr) – NEW

Research Culture & Environment

Workshops include:

  • Integrating EDI into Research Development (3hr)
  • Awareness and Action Against Sexism in Academia (2hr) – NEW
  • Removing Invisible Barriers in HE (2hr) – NEW
  • Building Positive Research Environments (2hr) – NEW
  • Bespoke training also available

Professional Development

Workshops include:

  • Managing Competing Priorities in Academia (2hr) – NEW
  • Onwards and Upwards: Reframing ‘Failure’ in Research (2hr) – NEW
  • Making Progress Amid Change and Uncertainty (2hr) – NEW
  • Understanding and Managing Imposter Syndrome (2hr)
  • Designing and Delivering an Effective Presentation (3hr) – NEW

Leading & Supporting Others

Workshops include:

  • Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (3hr)
  • Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring Skills (2hr)
  • Building Your First Research Group (3hr) – NEW
  • Supporting PhD Researchers (3hr)
  • Supporting Neurodivergence in the Supervisory Relationship (3hr)

Navigating the PhD

Workshops include:

  • Developing Effective Note-Taking Strategies
  • Making Progress in Your PhD
  • Planning the Final Year of Your PhD
  • Preparing for Your Viva
  • Working with Your Supervisor

Focus on Writing

Workshops include:

  • Getting Writing Done: How to Finish that Draft
  • Boosting Your Writing Productivity
  • Editing Your Own Academic Writing
  • Turning Your Thesis into a Monograph
  • The Procrastinator’s Guide to Writing a Journal Article – NEW

More Information

Please contact us to request full workshop outlines or for a discussion about your requirements. We also always love to design new workshops so don’t hesitate to pitch us a new idea!

What people say…

“I enjoyed a lot the opportunity to work in small groups. It was very useful to share opinions and ideas with other participants. I also appreciated the informal style of the whole presentation and the way Natalie presented these topics”

“I think Natalie was a great instructor and I really liked her approach. I also met other colleagues and I’m pleased that some participants were advanced career professor and I got some help from them too”

“Engaging style. Really enjoyed the last training by this coach, so I decided to also sign up for this one”

“Thank you for a very instructive, practical and enjoyable workshop”

“The theories were explained simply and visually, I felt they gave me tools I did not previously have and inspired me to read further. The format was spot-on – I didn’t feel bored or distracted at any point, which is unheard of for me in a 3 hour workshop. “

“Really grateful for these web based training opportunities, it allowed me to attend despite absence of childcare during lockdown and being remotely based outside of the UK”

“Enjoyed the chance to think and get feedback from different people”

“Open environment allowed everyone to contribute”

Other professional development options

In addition to workshops, Research coach offers a variety of other professional development options for your group/team. Examples include:

Contact us to discuss your requirements and/or to arrange a quote.