Tapping into your strengths

In this short blog post I’m going to focus on what why it’s helpful to get to know what your strengths are, and ways in which you can look to build these strengths. Why is it important to know about your strengths? Strengths are the core of what makes us tick, what we value and what we find fulfilling.  These might be things that we want to have more of in our lives, they are what make us feel good about ourselves.  To understand what our strengths are allows us to develop self-understanding and focus [...]

By |2024-07-16T11:22:57+01:00July 16th, 2024|Careers, Personal development|0 Comments

Shaping your job to fit you

These are my favourite shoes.  I’ve had them for a while, and yes, I can see that they’re tatty.  They are so comfortable, so much so, that I’ve worn them through.  They weren’t always this way though.  They were inflexible when I first got them, they rubbed, and they were too tight around the widest part of my foot. Yet I wore them in until eventually they fitted, and they fitted well.  Why am I telling you about my shoes?  Because my shoe is a metaphor for a job.  Some of us at the moment might be contemplating going [...]

By |2022-06-21T17:10:53+01:00May 9th, 2022|Academic Life, Careers, General|0 Comments

Academic promotions: Tips to help you make your best case

Thinking about promotion? As we head towards the end of the year, it’s the time many Universities start to open their academic promotions processes. I love it when clients ask me to support them with their promotion applications because it is an exercise in helping someone to reflect on all the tremendous progress and achievements they have made through their career. Most people (naturally) find it somewhat daunting when they start to examine the promotions criteria, with all of the high-powered buzzwords  ‘Excellent’, ‘Inspirational’, ‘Innovative’, ‘Impactful’, ‘Distinctive’, ‘World-leading’, ‘Strategic’…..etc, and it’s an inevitable trigger for the old imposter syndrome [...]

By |2021-12-16T15:40:51+00:00November 23rd, 2021|Academic Life, Careers|0 Comments
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